Resveratrol 50%-98% 50%-98%

Product Name: Resveratrol, Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract Resveratrol.
Latin Name: Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb.
Botanical Source: Polygonum Cuspidatum, Grape Skin.
CAS No.: 501-36-0.
Molecular formula: C14H12O3.
Molecular weight: 228.24.
Specification: 5% 20% 50% 98% 99% Resveratrol (HPLC).
Appearance: Polygonum Cuspidatum Extract-Light Yellow to White Fine powder. Grape Skin Extract-Red Brownish Fine Powder.



Polygonum Cuspidatum Powder Extract Resveratrol 50%-98%.

Introduction Polygonum cuspidatum extract is a dietary supplement derived from the knotweed. It contains the chemical resveratrol. Polygonum cuspidatum extract resveratrol is a kind of biological strong natural polyphenols, also known as the three phenol stilbene, is a cancer chemoprevention agents. Polygonum cuspidatum extract is also is used to reduce platelet aggregation, the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, disease of heart head blood-vessel chemoprophylaxis agent.

Function: 1. to be anti-cancer. 2. to be good on cardiovascular system. 3. to be Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. 4. to nourish and protect liver. 5. to be antioxidant and scavenge free-radicals.

Application: Resveratrol is used as food additives,medical supplement.Also it is the ingredient to delay aging and prevent UV radiation in cosmetics.

Flow Chart:



1). 1kg-5kg/aluminum foil bag, with double plastic bags inside.

2). 25kg/drum(50cm*38cm), with double plastic bags inside.

3). Upon your demands.

Storage: Storage: Store in the cool and dry place. Keep from strong light and heat.

Shelf life: 24 months when it is stored properly.

Lead Time: 3-7 days upon your confirmed order & payment.


Express: DHL, FEDEX,TNT,UPS, EMS for optional.

Economic Way:By Air or Sea.

After-Sale Service:

We will assist you solving problems as soon as get your feedbacks.


FREE Sample is available for your Evaluation.


We also supply micronized resveratrol and water soluble resveratrol.

  1. a) 100% Natural Herbal Extracts with root.
  2. b) Rigorous regulation & supervise in extraction process.
  3. c) Rigorous microorganism control process.
  4. d) Rigorous package process.

Polygonum Cuspidatum P.E. from Herbfits Natural Products is one of the Best Natural Ingredients in your market.

虎杖提取物Giant Knotweed Extract

植物提取物虎杖提取物英文翻译为Giant Knotweed Extract,提取自蓼科植物虎杖(拉丁名Polygonum cuspidatum Zucc.)主要有效成分为白藜芦醇,目前在成品制品中主要应用于保健品中。

品名:虎杖提取物 。

英文名:Giant Knotweed Extract 。

主要成分:白藜芦醇 。

提取来源:蓼科植物虎杖 Polygonum cuspidatum Zucc.的干燥的根茎以及根 。

外观:白色黄色粉末 。

检测方法:hplc 含量:30-98%(%) 。

药理作用:具有抗氧化能力,能够抑制甘油三酯的合成,抗脂质过氧化和清除自由基、防止老化、抗肿瘤 、保护心血管、植物雌激素作用以及保肝、抗菌、抗炎的功效 。

临床应用:保健品 。

包装:25kg/桶 。




虎杖别名酸筒杆,也叫阴阳莲,不仅可以用来观赏,也可以当做食品,虎杖的嫩茎可以做蔬菜;其根可以做冷饮料,置于凉水中镇凉,名称“冷饮子”,有清凉解暑的作用;它的液汁可染米粉,别有风味;食用以其味酸故也称“酸汤杆”;虎杖含有蓼甙、葡萄糖甙、有机酸、多糖类等。有清凉解署、清热解毒、健胃清食作用。 虎杖别名酸筒杆,也叫阴阳莲,为多年生灌木状草本,高1~2米。根状茎横走,木质,外皮棕色,断面黄色。茎直立,丛生,中空,几部木质化,表面散生红色或紫红色的斑点,枝节明显;叶片宽卵状椭圆形或卵形,叶长 6~12厘米,叶宽5~8厘米,顶端较尖,基部圆形,托叶鞘褐色;花为单性,雌雄异株,圆锥花序腋生;花梗细长,中部有关节,上部有翅;花被5深裂,裂片2轮,外轮3片结果时增大,背部生翅;雄蕊8;花柱3裂,柱头鸡冠状,瘦果椭圆形有3棱,黑褐色,光亮。虎杖的花期为6~8月,果期为9~10月。植提网在之前有相关大陆虎杖以及台湾虎杖的相关介绍。


虎杖的根和根茎中含蒽醌类化合物0.1%~0.5%, 如大黄素(Emodin)、大黄素-6-甲醚(Physcion)、大黄酚(Chrysophanol)、大黄酸(Rhein)、蒽甙A(Anthraglycoside A, 即大黄素甲醚8-β-D-葡萄糖甙)、蒽甙B(Anthraglycoside B, 即大黄素8-β-D-葡萄糖甙)、虎杖甙(Polygonin)。根中含白藜芦醇(Resveratrol)、白藜芦醇甙(虎杖亭, Polydatin).还含有利尿成分黄酮醇甙(Flavonol glycoside)。 亦含鞣质和多糖.从根中分离出的酚性成分有:迷人醇(Fallacinol)、6-羟基芦桧大黄素(Citreorosein)、大黄素-8-单甲醚(Questin)、6-羟基芦桧大黄素-8-单甲醚(Questinol)、原儿茶酸(Protocatechuic acid)等。还分离鉴定了槲皮素(Quercetin)、槲皮素-3-阿拉伯糖甙(Quercetin-3- arabinoside)、槲皮素-3-鼠李糖甙(Quercetin-3- rhamnoside)、槲皮素-3-葡萄糖甙(Quercetin-3- glucoside)、槲皮素-3-半乳糖甙(Quercetin-3- galactoside)、木犀草素-7-葡萄糖甙(Luteolin-7- glucoside)、芹菜黄素(Apigenin)、葡萄糖欧鼠李甙(Glucofraangulin)。 此外, 虎杖中尚含有游离氨基酸及铜、铁、锰、锌、钾等无机物。


虎杖提取物白藜芦醇是一种天然的抗氧化剂,可降低血液粘稠度,抑制血小板凝结和血管舒张,保持 血液畅通,可预防癌症的发生及发展,具有抗动脉 粥样硬化和冠心病,缺血性心脏病,高血脂的防治作用。抑制肿瘤的作用还具有雌激素样作用,可用于治疗乳腺癌等疾病。 改善微循环,抑制溶酶体酶的释放,抗氧化,阻止微循环中白细胞粘,降血脂、抗脂质过 氧化,抗病原微生物,镇咳、平喘,抗菌、抗病 毒,保肝等作用。 药品虎杖苷注射液能治疗心肌缺 血、脑缺血、休克等心脑血管疾病。


虎杖提取物白藜芦醇用于急性黄疸型传染性肝炎,血瘀闭经,风湿型关节痛、筋骨痛、砂淋、血淋、气管炎、湿热型 胆囊结石病;用于血胆固醇和甘油三酯过高;用于抗氧化、延缓衰老,是抗肿瘤药物开发的原料。[:]